英文求职信 篇1
dear leaders:
f×rst of all, thank you for your busy schedule to read myshow. × am xx sess×on of the un×vers×ty college of nurs×ng graduates xxxx.
× school s×nce the school has ma×nta×ned the f×ne trad×t×on of r×gorous scholarsh×p. ×n such an academ×c atmosphere, the sp×r×t of ×nnovat×on ×s more dense env×ronment, ×n the str×ct demands on teachers and the efforts of ×nd×v×duals, after two years of profess×onal courses of study and year of cl×n×cal pract×ce, ×t has a more sol×d foundat×on of profess×onal knowledge and cl×n×cal exper×ence, the overall qual×ty has been enhanced. developed a keen sense of observat×on. good sense, ab×l×ty to work ×ndependently, r×gorous, pract×cal work. and careful, car×ng, pat×ence, sense of respons×b×l×ty to treat pat×ents. meet the development needs of the overall care. so × have full conf×dence ×n the future.
× love nurs×ng career, eager to look forward to your leadersh×p for the cause of th×s glor×ous bu×ld×ng blocks, and cont×nuous learn×ng ×n the×r work and progress.
英文求职信 篇2
april 13,XX
p.o. box 36
biit university
beijing,china 100000
dear sir/madam:
please consider me for your sales management program. my background is one of selling ideas, concepts and programs, and of motivating myself and others to realize our potential.
attitudes predict behavior - or so goes the saying in sales. if this holds true, i am sure to be as successful in sales management as i am in my college endeavors. my unceasing optimism, self-determination and ability to set goals have allowed me to achieve academic and personal objectives.
because of my "can do" attitude, sales will provide the challenge and opportunity to continue my successful history of setting and achieving goals. please allow me the opportunity to elaborate on how my background predicts sales success. i guarantee you’ll be providing your corporation with an outstanding sales management . thank you for your attention.
deng yun
英文求职信 篇3
1985-Present LEYNER CORPORATION,Lake Charles,LA
Industrial Engineer
Provide floor support engineering in printed wire assembly (PWA) and subsystem assembly (SSA) areas.
Purchase capital equipment.Interface with vendors. Justify expenditures.
Design plant layout fixtures,and flow charts of material.
Program automatic equipment.
Write process sheets and rework procedures.
Recommend changes to product to allow ease of manufacture.
Implement design changes.Inititate methods and process improvements.
Troubleshoot problems.Effect disposition or rejection of material.
Provide assistance to all other departments.
Engineering Assistant
Conducted variety of tests including Tensile.Compression,and creep tests on molded parts.
Responsible for production of plastic test specimens,and mounting polishing,and microscopic analysis.
Designed tools and fixtures for Instron machine.
Molding Room Attendant,1983
Operated and maintained machine producing epoxy preforms.
Maintained records on inventory,loss of material,and quality control.
Machine shop attendant,1982
Operated lathes,milling and grinding machines;monitored welding and heat treatments.
Read blueprints.
LOYOLA UNIVERSITY AT NEW ORLEANS,College of Engineering,New Orleans,LA
Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Technology,1985
Minor concentration in computer science.
Member,Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Leaner Management Club Certified Manufacturing Technologist and Solderer.
Relevant Work experience is emphasized while other positions are de-emphasized.
Chronological format illustrates a clear career path.